
My review of N. Marres’ Digital Sociology

August 10, 2020

Noortje Marres and I have recently published on Information, Communication and Society two cross-reviews of our recent books. You can […]

The dilemma of making migrants visible to COVID-19 counting

May 29, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic requires reconsidering the relationship between data and invisible populations as a form of de facto civil inclusion. […]

Eight technical questions to the U.S. plan to collect DNA from immigrants

April 22, 2020

I re-publish a commentary originally published at Processing Citizenship in October 2019, when the new DNA collection plan was first […]

Nature’s wrath or shaming the victim? Beyond an ethics of shame in times of COVID-19

April 22, 2020

A shorter version of this commentary is published as Pelizza, Annalisa. (2020). Blame is in the eye of the beholder: […]


“Processing Alterity, Enacting Europe” now out on STHV

February 10, 2019

Annalisa’s new article, a foundational contribution to the Processing Citizenship ERC project, has just been published open access by Science, […]

"Communities at a Crossroads" cover

“Communities at a Crossroads” book is out!

January 30, 2019

How to conceptualize online sociability in the 21st century? To answer this question, Communities at a Crossroads looks back at […]